Bride Film 2022 // Love Stories, Coffee, and Travel

Happy New Year, everyone!  OK it's actually January 11, 2022 at this point, but cut us some slack.  We have been editing nonstop because we have so many awesome wedding films to finish!  We want to express our sincerest gratitude to all of the families that entrusted us with their memories this past year.

We are also immensely grateful for our team and all we were able to accomplish.  We enjoyed many happy hours, lobster hunts, and belly laughs with each other.  If you can't tell from our New Years GIF below, we have a lot of fun together! 

Read on for a few highlights from this past year and our Bride Film Best of film that celebrates all of the amazing moments we were honored to capture.

Our 2022 Top 5:

1. In March of 2022, we expanded into a bigger office!  We officially filled up our new kitchen with as many coffee makers as we could possibly find - three to be exact, including a Keurig and a fancy espresso machine.

New Year's Eve

2. This past summer, we participated in our first 48 Hour Film Project, which basically means we transported ourselves back to college and didn't sleep for 48 hours.  I guess we need less sleep than we thought, because we were honored with the award for Best Cinematography.  If you haven't watched it yet and are game for a chuckle, CLICK HERE.


3. We logged some frequent flyer miles!  Among all four of us, we traveled to eleven states and two foreign countries in 20122 To check out one of our favorite experiences in Italy, Opera in the Kitchen, CLICK HERE.

Adventure Travel Bride Film

4. We drank around 4,380 cups of coffee.  WOAH.  As previously mentioned, we love our coffee.  Chris kindly makes us espressos and tea in the afternoons to keep the editing going.  Thanks boss!


5. While Bacchus was guarding the office (mostly sleeping about 5 hours per day on the couch) we won some pretty rad awards including an Addy and a Millennial.  Thanks to your support, we were also named Southern Weddings' Best Videographer in the South. Bacchus was almost as pumped as us!


At the end of the day, we are most grateful to walk into work every day and love what we do and who we do it with.  Bring it on 2023! 

New Orleans Pelicans Video Producers

You'll hear one of our father of the bride's toasts in the Best of 2022 Film above.  These words ring true especially at this time of the year, so we leave them with you here: 

"You think that maybe it can't get any better. You've done so much can't get any better. But I'm here to tell you something right now. I promise you that the best years of your life lie ahead of you, not behind you. And the reason is because you now have your soul mate. You found each other. And from this point on, you guys are going to create life...create memories. You're going to have each other through the bad times, and you're gonna have each other through the good times."